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07 Mar 2018

Omantel and TUATARA Introduce the First Big Data Platform of its kind, ‘TASIL’

In another first, Omantel, the premier integrated technology service provider in the Sultanate, announces the introduction of a highly capable IBM-powered Big Data platform in Oman, placing unprecedented real-time analytics in the hands of clients to better serve their respective customers by anticipating their needs and likes. The platform ushers in a new era of advanced location-based timely analytics for clients and partners across the public and private sectors. To this end, Omantel teamed up with TUATARA to launch this innovative platform to enable quick and easy high precision smart marketing campaigns in the mobile and online worlds. Aptly named TASIL, the revolutionary platform will bring undeniable value to customer communications in Oman, playing an important role in Omantel’s vision of building data-rich connected communities.

In another first, Omantel, the premier integrated technology service provider in the Sultanate, announces the introduction of a highly capable IBM-powered Big Data platform in Oman, placing unprecedented real-time analytics in the hands of clients to better serve their respective customers by anticipating their needs and likes. The platform ushers in a new era of advanced location-based timely analytics for clients and partners across the public and private sectors. To this end, Omantel teamed up with TUATARA to launch this innovative platform to enable quick and easy high precision smart marketing campaigns in the mobile and online worlds. Aptly named TASIL, the revolutionary platform will bring undeniable value to customer communications in Oman, playing an important role in Omantel’s vision of building data-rich connected communities.

In another first, Omantel, the premier integrated technology service provider in the Sultanate, announces the introduction of a highly capable IBM-powered Big Data platform in Oman, placing unprecedented real-time analytics in the hands of clients to better serve their respective customers by anticipating their needs and likes. The platform ushers in a new era of advanced location-based timely analytics for clients and partners across the public and private sectors. To this end, Omantel teamed up with TUATARA to launch this innovative platform to enable quick and easy high precision smart marketing campaigns in the mobile and online worlds. Aptly named TASIL, the revolutionary platform will bring undeniable value to customer communications in Oman, playing an important role in Omantel’s vision of building data-rich connected communities.

Made for better communication with your customers

Omantel consistently aims to enhance business performance for its large client community, enriching their understanding of their own end-users by delivering a world of relevant and tailored information and entertainment right to their fingertips. “Accelerating the fulfilment of Oman’s economic vision 2020, TASIL serves as a next generation enabler of digital inclusion for the public and private enterprise markets. This service delivers never-before accurate communication whilst saving private enterprises, government entities and their subsequent consumers time and effort by delivering relevant information and pristine valuable notifications,” says Fadi Nasser Omantel’s General Manager, ICT. 

“Trustworthy information and value-add communication are staple features of TASIL, a service analysing massive amounts of data in real-time and providing decision-making map-based dashboards for service providers to tailor their offerings to their own customers’ he adds. TASIL is Arabic for ‘arriving’ or ‘connecting’, of great value in this case. 

Mobile channel is only a start

Mobile advertising is growing rapidly in all parts of the world. Research shows that 94% of people look for local information on their smartphone, while 90% of those people take an action as a result of what they find. 35% of mobile consumers make purchases on their smartphone and 32% of them change their minds about making an in-store purchase while doing mobile research on a product. Nonetheless, connecting value to the relevant customer transcends mobile channels in the case of TASIL which aims at rich online multimedia outlets beyond the mobile messaging schemes.

Full potential unleashed

It is not surprising that 26% of consumers are more likely to respond to messages tailored to their personal interests or that 21% of consumers are more likely to respond to promotions that are contextually relevant to what they were doing. Forward-looking TASIL enables companies to reach their customers with a highly personalized message exactly when and where they need to be reached. Such hyper-precise targeting is possible due to a perfect combination of securely processed data and TUATARA’s advanced real-time algorithms. The synergy results in a unique platform that helps advertisers anticipate their customers’ needs and run precision marketing campaigns with measurable impact. In short, TASIL brings about an absolute breakthrough in marketing and takes digital advertising into the future.

Inviting clients to be a part of the journey

The service was launched at the end of February of 2018. In the beginning, access will be limited to customers invited by Omantel. ‘TASIL is an important new service addition to our ICT portfolio. As a part of the continued customer excellence of the dedicated ICT team, a detailed plan for development and support of our clients was commissioned with the introduction of the service. This will enable Omantel ICT to cooperate closely with all users of TASIL, getting to know their ongoing feedback, letting them be a part of the exciting process of TASIL advancement as we seek to continually refine our algorithms’, says Nasser. If a company wishes to start using TASIL in the Early Adopters phase, it may contact their Omantel ICT representatives for further details or email us at ictsolutions@omantel.om 

Collaborative use of TASIL – An Omani Development Platform

The service launch includes development plans to build-up Omani ecosystems and additional data sources to enhance the accuracy of analytics. ‘I reckon that in the near future, TASIL will become a viable link between different industries, empowering their cooperation and accelerating the API Economy (API: Application Programming Interface), based on collaboration of telecommunications operators, banks, retailers, online content providers and the Programmatic Advertising ecosystem,’ says Krzysztof Goworek, Chief Innovation Officer at TUATARA. The API economy benefits from the network effect, which proves that the value of a new technology increases with increasing the number of its adopters. Therefore, the larger the number of cooperating parties on a platform, the more benefits for each of them and the better impact on customer. ‘Some may say that as we live in a global economy and the boundaries between industries are blurring, increasing competition as well. In my opinion, global economy generates new sources of revenue and those who understand how to utilize these vanishing boundaries first will get most of the benefits. European companies have gradually realized this new reality. In the GCC, opportunities will appear with tremendous growth, if only in-country cooperation amongst businesses of different industries is enabled. This is one of the pillars designed into the TASIL platform,’ states Goworek.

As a part of this perspective, Omantel ICT intends to extend the capabilities of Open API to specialized entities and local developers in the Sultanate, to explore opportunities of building 

applications or software layers atop of the Omantel operated platform for accelerated grassroots creativity. Such endeavors boost technology startups’ creation, startups which 

would in-turn create specialized premium jobs while moving us closer to a data-powered knowledge-based society.